For reservations for the exhibition hall of the museum: 2810 393630 - 2810 282740 (Mrs. Hatzinikolaki Anna)
Open Hours
Daily 9.00 – 15.00, weekends 10.00 – 18.00
General admission: 6€/ person
Reduced fare:
- Children 4-18 years old and adults above the age of 65: 4€
- University students of Greece or other countries as well as students of the School of Tourist Guides of Greece: 4€
- Multi-child parents: 4€
- Teachers: 4€
- Employees of ITE (Foundation of Research and Technology): 4€
Group tickets (more than 10 people):
- 1€ / student for school groups and 2€ / student for the educational program offered by the museum
- Adults: 5€
- Children and young people 4-18 years old: 3€
Free entrance:
- Members of the “Friends of Natural History Museum of Crete” Club
- Children below the age of 4 years old
- Teachers accompanying student groups
- People with special needs and their escorts
- Certified tour guides
- Soldiers serving their military service
- Students and employees of the University of Crete
- Unemployed card holders (ΟΑΕΔ)
- Employees of Public Power Corporation S.A. (ΔΕΗ) and their first degree relatives
- Members of the International Council of Museums (ICOM)
Guided tours by appointment only.
- Groups of max. 20 people: 18€
Sofokli Venizelou Avenue (Dermatas Bay), 71202, Ηράκλειο Κρήτης